In December 2014, Inovateus Solar constructed three of the largest rooftop solar arrays in the Midwest on top of Duke Realty buildings. The solar systems are connected directly to the Indianapolis Power and Light utility grid and generate revenue for the system owners, HMV Indy Solar 1, through a feed-in tariff program. Building 129 is included in the Park 100 commercial building complex in Indianapolis owned by Duke Realty and this 3.97-MW installation was the first large-scale rooftop PV system built there. Inovateus managed the entire process of development, interconnection, financing, and construction.
Project Completion Date — 2014
Designed Annual Output — 5,175 KWh/KWp
Rated System Size — 3.97 MW
Panel Type — 14,212 SolarWorld 280 W
Racking System — Panel Claw
Inverter — Schneider XC-NA-680
Installation Contractor — Recon Construction