

New Dawn 2016: Inovateus and Rev. Ray return to California for Powerhouse party

By: wp_admin

If you were in Oakland, Calif., on August 26, you may have caught an encore performance by the award-winning Rev. Ray and the Everlasting Incentives, the Inovateus band made up of the people (like me, the keyboard player) whose day job is to “build a brilliant tomorrow” through developing, deploying and supplying solar—but also through music and service. By playing at the

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From blight to light: Giving back through solar to Life Remodeled’s Skinner Park project

By: wp_admin

Life Remodeled is a Detroit nonprofit group that organizes thousands of volunteers to revitalize blighted Motown neighborhoods each year. During the first week of August, 10,700 volunteers tackled blight within more than 300 blocks of the Denby neighborhood in northeast Detroit by boarding up 300 vacant houses and outlining safe and marked pathways to area schools. The centerpiece of this year’s

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Rio 2016 inspirations: Seeking social justice through solar energy

By: wp_admin

The opening ceremony of the 2016 Rio Olympics featured a beautiful video drawing attention to climate change. It was a somber, moving look at the challenges humans will face in the coming years if we do not take serious actions to become more sustainable. It made me think how Inovateus Solar accounts for people, profits, and the planet through its

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Project update: Inovateus wraps construction on Rincon Solar 1—On to interconnection!

By: wp_admin

We’ve made significant progress on the construction of the Rincon Solar 1 solar farm outside of Savannah, Georgia, since we posted our first project update in June. In fact, the 21.24 MWDC (18.36 MWAC) 1000 V power plant is ready for testing and commissioning to begin in September. Rincon will soon be delivering clean energy to Georgia Power as part

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Employees tell the story of Inovateus Solar’s goal to build a brilliant tomorrow in company video

By: wp_admin

What makes Inovateus Solar different? First and foremost, it’s our people and their shared commitment to build a brilliant tomorrow via the proliferation of clean solar energy. We recently produced a corporate video that highlights many of our team members and lets them tell the story of the company, our history, our approach, our creativity, and our vision. We’ve divided

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Project update: Inovateus reaches halfway point on first part of major Michigan solar project

By: wp_admin

In our latest Inovateus Solar project update, we’re happy to report that work on the first portion of the 58 MW DC (48 MWAC) Lapeer, MI, solar farm north of Detroit has progressed significantly since our update a month ago. More than 11,368 posts already have been installed, supporting over 3,374 racking systems equipped with nearly 68,000 solar panels. As a result, the

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Project update: Construction pace quickens at our 58 MW Michigan solar project

By: wp_admin

Continuing with our project update blog series, we’d like to share some details about one of Inovateus’ job sites that is well on its way to being the largest solar farm in Michigan and one of the largest utility-owned solar installations east of the Mississippi. The project received the first of its 10,000-plus racking posts at a ribbon-cutting celebration on April

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Inovateus rocks Intersolar North America, takes top honors during Solar Battle of the Bands

By: wp_admin

We brought it, we rocked it, we won it. Inovateus’ own Rev. Ray and the Everlasting Incentives took top honors at the sixth annual Solar Battle of the Bands during Intersolar North America 2016 in San Francisco. The music from all the bands was great and the competition was fierce fun, but our boy-band flavored funk ‘n’ roll captured the hips

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Read all about it: Inovateus’ Michigan State University solar canopy project gets coverage in local news

By: wp_admin

Inovateus has enjoyed some solid local and regional media coverage over the past several years. We’re keen on getting the good word out about solar in our own area, so we’re happy when Midwest-based journalists write about what we’re doing or include us as sources in their stories. The latest local news coverage focuses on our project at Michigan State

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Why the Fourth of July is the perfect holiday to celebrate America’s solar revolution

By: wp_admin

Nothing is more American than the Fourth of July. The national holiday celebrating our revolutionary past and declaration of independence from the English brings us together in a pyrotechnic-fueled burst of patriotic fervor. Here at Inovateus, July 4th also reminds us that we are involved in a modern revolution—the solar revolution—proudly helping to accelerate the transition from fossil fuels to

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Great Lakes State of mind: Inovateus pitches in at Michigan Renewable Energy Fair

By: wp_admin

The onset of late spring and early summer not only signals the welcome annual warming trend, but the arrival of energy fair season in the Midwest. After making the trip to Wisconsin for the Midwest Renewable Energy Fair, members of the Inovateus Solar team attended another fair closer to our Michiana homes—the Michigan Renewable Energy Fair—on June 24-25. Founded in 2007,

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Grassroots solar: Inovateus takes part in annual Midwest Renewable Energy Fair

By: wp_admin

Many of those walking around the Energy Fair in bucolic Custer, Wisconsin, were regulars who had attended many previous events. But for us first-timers, the down-home get-together of thousands of activists, businesspeople and just plain folks was a refreshingly grasssroots affair. Celebrating its 27th year, the annual fair put on by the Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA) gathered together an interesting cross-section of people and

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